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Get Involved


Showing God's Love

You can get involved with the Larned & Garfield United Methodist Churches in a variety of ways. You can volunteer your time with a number of our outreach ministries, or participate in church social events. We welcome you and your family!

Budget Shop

The Budget Shop is a ministry of the United Methodist Women in Larned, and is a major ministry to the community. You can help the ministry of the Budget Shop by;  donating clothes and small household items, volunteering to work sorting or helping customers, or by shopping there. There is a community Prayer Box located outside the Budget Shop for prayer requests. The Budget Shop is open Thursday & Saturday 10 AM – 3 PM. 

Blessing Box

Garfield's church leads a Blessing Box Ministry, which offers nourishment (free food) to the community. People can take a blessing, or leave a blessing for others. We will continue to strengthen relationships in our community and do God’s work as He calls us.

Community Meal

From the beginning of June through the end of July we serve lunch, Monday – Friday, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM. Lunch is free to ALL kids 18 and under, with no requirements other than they show up. Adults can eat as well for a small cost. If you have questions or would like to volunteer you can contact Debbie Makings at 620-804-0673. This is a Larned-led ministry.

Pawnee County
Food Pantry

We serve as one of many groups in the community that volunteer to operate the Pawnee County Food Pantry, which is open Tuesday & Thursday, 4-6 pm.  In addition to serving we have a food collection on 5th Sundays, and give to the Helping Hands ministry. Let the church know if you would like to help volunteer.


On the 4th Friday of each month we volunteer to serve concessions and sell tickets at the local theater, as part of several community groups that have come together to make it possible for us to have a theater that runs 1st run movies. To help you can show up on the 4th Friday between 6 and 7 pm or contact Marilyn Bell at 620-285-2245.

Other Ways to Serve

Throughout the year, we offer numerous ways for church members to serve the community and other members of the congregation. God calls all of us to minister to one another, and there are so many ways to do that. Depending on your schedule, your talents, and your interests we can find a way to get you plugged in to the right ministry.


  • Volunteer at the Food Pantry

  • Volunteer at the Budget Shop

  • Stock the Blessing Box (Free Food)

  • Volunteer in the Nursery or in Children's Church

  • Preparing the Gazebo in the Park for Memorial Day, Fourth of July, or Christmas

  • Volunteer in the Shield of Faith Youth Group

  • Participate in Prayer Group

  • Volunteer to Pray Over Congregation Needs

  • Prepare Food for Funeral Dinners

  • Host Events for Congregation Members

Participate in Church Events

Each congregation in Larned and Garfield has specific opportunities for people to get together for fellowship and spiritual growth. Check out each church's page for more details about weekly activities and events to participate in.

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